Music Ministry
Did you know...that the Music & Worship Ministry Of First Baptist Church exists for the Glory of God and to promote Worship in Spirit & Truth (John 4:24) and Singing in the Spirit & with understanding (I Corinthians 14:15). So, regardless of whether you play an instrument or sing, Come and let us praise the Triune God with our talents in all areas of music.

Women’s Ministry
The mission of our church is to bring awareness about God’s existence to people of all ages and encourage them to learn their own faith. This is no different for the women of our church no matter the age. This is a Titus II mentality, Training the younger generations to walk in the ways of the Lord by the older generations. GA’s, H.O.P.E., Woven, SHELLS, and Pauline Hughes. These are the groups that do just that.
Men’s Ministry
Our church is open and friendly with many activities for men. Between Man Church, our once a month gathering for food, fellowship and worship, Baptist Men’s Breakfast, Sunday Morning breakfast every other month, our Deacon helping hand Ministry and our church work days, there are some great opportunities for men to engage, grow, serve, become better husbands and leaders.

Sunday School
We believe First Baptist Church Concord Sunday School exists to make and mature disciples of Jesus Christ through reaching, teaching, and caring for others. We reach inwardly within our church body and outwardly into our community to connect with individuals. We teach obedience to God’s Word as the means of maturing disciples in their walk with Christ.

Young Adult
At FBC Concord, we consider it a privilege to minister to and with you during a time in your life when change is the only constant. Our ministry desires to work alongside college students and graduates thru the late 20’s as you get settled into your future as it changes from high school to college to eventually your career!

Children’s Ministry
The purpose of the Children’s Ministry of First Baptist Church is to partner with and support parent(s) or guardian(s) of children (birth – grade 5) as they diligently and intentionally lead, disciple, and empower their children with the Word of God so that both discover, develop, and display the greatness of Christ in all of life. .

Student Ministries
We’re glad that you’re interested in finding out more about our student ministry!
Our student ministry has the mission to love God, love others, and make disciples. We can accomplish this mission by learning and serving together.
If you’re in 6th – 12th grade, then this is the place for you!

Young Hearts
Once you get past fifty, the fun has just begun. Whether retired, just plain tired, or active as ever, the over-50 group of First Baptist Church provides fellowship, day trips, refreshment, ministry, and times of valuable interaction with other over 50 believers in Christ. Here are a few of the things planned for our Seniors in the coming months.